Instituto Politécnico De Bragança

Published 2 November 2023

Campus Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Photo by: IPB

The IPB is a public institution of higher education, committed to providing quality training and promoting research and extension activities with an impact on the economic, social and cultural environment.

The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança is a public institution of higher education, committed to providing quality training and promoting research and extension activities with an impact on the economic, social and cultural environment.

We promote it quality through the qualification of our professors and the evaluation and accreditation of the institution and the study cycles at national and international level.

We assume the challenge of reforming higher education and we believe in the democratization of access , the opening to new publics and in the permanent learning project, contributing to bring the rates of assistance and qualification of the Portuguese population closer to the European Union average.

We guarantee international transparency and academic recognition and professional qualifications, through adaptation to the Bologna Process, the application of the ECTS credit system and the bilingual availability of the ECTS Guide, diplomas and certificates.

Campus Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Photo: IPB

We believe in the fundamental role of applied research in the strengthening of the educational mission at a professional and technological level and as a factor of external relations and economic development.

We work for the full employment of our graduates, through the redesign of our training courses, the offer of curricular and professional practices, the promotion of entrepreneurial activity and access to the European and international labor market.

We promote the internationalization of higher education, promoting the mobility of our students and graduates and establishing educational projects and of joint research across borders, in Europe and abroad.

We participate in promoting the internationalization of polytechnic higher education at European level and in its inclusion in the network of universities of applied sciences (European Network for Universities of Applied Sciences, UASNET).

We contribute to the development of higher education in Portuguese-speaking countries and the deepening of a Portuguese-speaking space for higher education.

We are aware that the IPB represents a fundamental factor for the economic, social and cultural sustainability of the region in which it operates.

We want to play a role as an engine of development in the region and assert ourselves in the space national, European and international.



